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normal life cycle中文是什么意思

用"normal life cycle"造句"normal life cycle"怎么读"normal life cycle" in a sentence


  • 正常生活周期


  • The web page runs a modified version of its normal life cycle to process the callback
  • A client postback event is different from a client callback in that the web page completes a normal life cycle to process the client postback event
  • The web page runs a modified version of its normal life cycle the page is initiated and its controls and other members are created , and then a specially marked method is invoked
  • So , and the star trek like everquest three will go far beyond the normal life cycle of the game . in the next few years in a worldwide epidemic in the great works
  • So , and the star trek like everquest three will go far beyond the normal life cycle of the game . in the next few years in a worldwide epidemic in the great works . 4455 cloning version of everquest ends games
用"normal life cycle"造句  
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